Dr. Quan Do, PhD.

Dr. Quan Do is an Assistant Professor in the Radiology Department at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota) and an Affiliate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Silicon Andhra. Her prior professional experience encompasses Postdoc Research Fellow at Mayo Clinic, Computer Science Lecturer and Teaching/Research Assistant at New Mexico State University, Web Manager and Software Developer at Ho Chi Minh City International School, Senior Software Engineer at Better Results, Ltd., and an IT Associate at FreeTrend Industrial, Ltd.

Dr. Do’s current research interests include Medical AI (deep learning and traditional machine learning for early detection and prediction of progression of diseases), Data Science (feature selection and extraction, data engineering and segmentation of medical images, data de-identification, natural language processing, big data), and Health Informatics (mHealth, geoTagging, and statistical modeling). She has published over twenty peer-reviewed articles in these areas.

Dr. Do received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Nursing interdisciplinary program at New Mexico State University. She received a master’s degree in Health Informatics and another master’s degree in Information Systems, both from Marshall University.


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