UofSA Campus Proposed In San Joaquin County

The Milpitas-based University of Silicon Andhra announced Monday that it plans to create its home campus south of Tracy, which could lead to a larger multi-use development.

The campus, which would include a university with a high-tech curriculum and an adjacent trade school for technical training, will be located on 67 acres on the west side of Chrisman Road, just south of Durham Ferry Road, on land donated by the Sandhu Family.

The campus, estimated to be a $450 million project, could be expanded in future years to a 1,500-acre development that would include the university, trade school, the Golden State Logistics Hub and Veterans of Foreign Wars post, according to the announcement issued Monday morning.
The proposed University of Silicon Andhra campus would be built right at the center of a major transportation hub near Tracy.

The University of Silicon Andhra campus would be built on a 1,500-acre development and serve 5,000 students.

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